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Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Cross price elasticity of demand evaluates the responsiveness of demand for a good to the variation in the cost of another good. This tutorial explains you how to calculate the Cross price elasticity of demand.

Calculator of Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Old quantity demanded for product A=
New quantity demanded for product A=
Old price for product B=
New price for product B=
Cross elasticity of demand=

Formula of Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand = % change in quantity demanded of product of A / % change in price product of B % change in quantity demanded = (new demand- old demand) / old demand) x 100 % change in price = (new price - old price) / old price) x 100

Example of Cross Price Elasticity of Demand

Suppose the price of fuel increases from Rs.50 to Rs.70 then, the demand for the fuel efficient car increases from 20,000 to 30,000. Find out the cross price elasticity of demand for the fuel.


New demand = 30,000
Old demand = 20,000
New price = 70 Old price = 50

Step 1:

% change in quantity demanded = (new demand- old demand) / old demand) x 100
= ((30000 - 20000) / 20000) x 100
= (10000 / 20000) x 100
= 0.5 x 100 = 50 %

Step 2:

% change in price = (new price- old price) / old price) x 100
= ((70 - 50) / 50) x 100
= (20 / 50) x 100 = 0.4 x 100
= 40 %

Step 3:

Cross Price Elasticity of Demand = % change in quantity demanded of product of A / % change in price product of B
= 50 % / 40 %
= 1.25 %

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