Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin & more
Use this converter to effortlessly transform temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, Kelvin, or any other desired scale. It ensures compatibility and facilitates communication across various systems and regions.
Temperature converter
The Fahrenheit temperature scale is a cornerstone of temperature measurement in many regions across the globe, particularly in the United States and a few other countries. But if you need to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to other scales, this converter offers a seamless solution to bridge these differences.
Whether you're planning a trip abroad, collaborating on international projects, or simply need to work with temperature data in different units, this online tool simplifies the process, providing accuracy and convenience at your fingertips.
Celsius (°C) = (°F - 32) / 9⁄5
Kelvin (K) = (°F + 459.67) * 5⁄9
Rankine (°R) = °F + 459.67
Newton (°N) = ( °F - 32 ) * 11⁄60
Delisle (°De) = ( 212 - °F ) * 5⁄6
Reaumur (°Re) = (°F – 32) * 4⁄9
Rømer (°Rø) = (°F - 32)* 7⁄24 + 7.50