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Horsepower and Watts Conversion

Conversion calculator which helps to convert hp to watts and watts to hp using available units such as mechanical, metric and electrical.

Converter of horsepower and watts

Horsepower (HP) =W/HP

  • W = Power in wattsHP = Value of one HP
  • 1 Electrical HP = 746 watts
  • 1 Mechanical HP = 745.69987 watts
  • 1 Metric HP = 735.49875 watts

Mechanical :

One mechanical horsepower is equal to 745.699872 watts

1 hp(I) = 745.699872 W

So the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by

P(W) = 745.699872 * P(hp)

Examples :

Convert 5 hp to watts

P(W) = 745.699872 * 5 hp = 3728.495 W

Convert 5W to mechanic horsepower

P(hp) = 5W / 745.699872 = 0.00671 hp

Electrical :

One electrical horsepower is equal to 746 watts

1 hp(E) = 746 W

So the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by

P(W) = 746 * P(hp)

Examples :

Convert 5 hp to watts:

P(W) = 746 * 5 hp = 3730 W

Convert 5W to electrical horsepower

P(hp) = 5W / 746 = 0.0067 hp

Metric :

One metric horsepower is equal to 735.49875 watts

1 hp(M) = 735.49875 W

So the power conversion of horsepower to watts is given by

P(W) = 735.49875 * P(hp)

Examples :

Convert 5 hp to watts

P(W) = 735.49875 * 5 hp = 3677.49 W

Convert 5W to metric horsepower

P(hp) = 5W / 735.49875 = 0.0679 hp

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