Beauty and health
Appearance22 CalculatorsChildren2 CalculatorsFood11 CalculatorsHealth25 CalculatorsPregnancy16 CalculatorsSports2 Calculators
78 Calculators
- 3-Point Skin Fold Bodyfat2020
- Activity Points000
- Alcohol in Blood1700
- Arterial Blood Gas16334
- Average Calories Per Meal Per Day1620
- Baby Eye Color1950
- BAI & BMI6530
- Basal Metabolic Rate3550
- Beep Test7533
- Bench Press67930
- Blood Pressure000
- Body Adiposity Index8040
- Body Fat2330
- Body Mass For Men700
- Body Mass for Women300
- Body mass index1510
- Bruce Protocol3100
- BUN to Creatinine Ratio700
- Burned Calories300
- Calendar of Ovulation and Fertility270543
- Calorie of Food301
- Child gender by parent blood type4801
- Child gender by Rh factor of parents3400
- Child gender by updating the blood686040
- Child’s Height and Weight Chart29451
- Chinese baby gender calculator1050
- Cigarette Expense100
- Circumference Bodyfat1340
- Cockcroft Gault200
- Counter of Breath6121
- Crown Rump Length8402
- Daily Points Plus Allowance300
- Date of conception12200
- Days for weight loss030
- Diabetes Mellitus Type 2000
- Drops Per Minute20746
- Dukan Diet271745
- E – Juice000
- Energy expenditure500
- Equilibrium Hardy-Weinberg24209
- Fat Free Mass Index900
- Fertility Calendar7430
- Full Body Analysis18130
- Gestational Age20751
- Golden Ratio Face43013350
- Heart Beats Count610
- Heart Rate Based Calorie Burn501
- How Many Weeks Pregnant12050
- Ideal Body Proportions12254
- Ideal proportions for growth10241
- Ideal Weight137640
- Inheritance of Blood Type000
- Intravenous Fluids Drip Rates7901
- Intravenous Fluids Flow Rates1200
- Karvonen Formula2700
- Mifflin St. Jeor6923
- Nicotine Score940
- Percentage body fat2150
- Pregnancy105810
- Pregnancy Due Date200
- Pregnancy Gestational Diabetes Diet1201
- Propoints Weight Watchers800
- Proportionality of body1140
- Required amount of calories550
- RMR100
- Safe Days Calculator858327
- Specific Absorption Rate050
- Standards growth63130
- Storage Needs400
- Systemic Vascular Resistance000
- Total Parenteral Nutrition000
- Turkey Club Sandwich Calories000
- Ultrasound gestation period3103
- Urine Albumin to Creatinine Ratio18107
- Waist to Height Ratio78142
- Water Requirement1600
- Weekly Pregnancy Weight Gain4740
- Weight gain1100